Details Coming for April 17 Stand Together Event

St. Paul's is finalizing details for the Stand Together Event, now scheduled for mid-day April 17. Basically, we will gather at Noon in the sanctuary at St. Paul's (there is ample parking), and walk over to the Cathedral, arriving at the end of their Noon Mass. Bishop Rhoades and his flock will greet us at the West Entrance and we will have a brief, but joyous celebration of the facts that Christ is Risen and Christ is Lord. We will present our letters of support and literally stand together with those who are the primary target of the current assault on Religious Liberty. The event should be finished by about 1:00. Indiana District President Dan May will take part, and we welcome all other pastors and congregation members. PLEASE LET US KNOW HOW MANY TO EXPECT, ESPECIALLY HOW MANY WOULD LIKE TO PRESENT THEIR OWN LETTERS. Send an email to Further details to come "soon."